
Commonly asked questions and answers about the Programmers Guild.

If you have any other questions or need more information, give us a call.

Whats a guild?

We're your neighborhood tech shop! For the curious, committed and code-alicious, WELCOME!

A guild is an ancient traditional organization spanning different cultures and civilizations. We're a modern incarnation focused on craftsmanship. Humans intuitively understand that it takes a lot of time and hardwork to master a skill -- too much time and work to repeat each generation. Our guild model is about passing those skills to the next generation through a combination of training and working simultaneously.

We're working professional software engineers who develop and deliver technical training for programmers.

Are you a boot camp?


Training with a guild is about career development and long-term professional success. We deliver training with the goal of helping you gain the skills to become a productive apprentice. Many apprentices have worked for us and all of our apprentices have opportunities to practice their trade after training if they so chose. Our workshop is a little slice of tech heaven -- never more than 3 apprentices at a time. The training is far more rigorous than a bootcamp, while also being much more beginner friendly because you work very closely with your mentor to build software.

Us Alternatives
Cost to enroll in training. $400-$2400 $11,000-$22,000
Fully refundable training. Yes No
Coding knowledge required. No Yes
Learn problem-solving and abstract thinking. Yes No
All computer equipment provided. Yes No
On-the-job training. Yes No
Apprenticeships Yes No
Flexible training schedule. Yes No
Mentoring during and after training. Yes No
Training by working programmers Yes No

Can't I just learn to code on the internet? (Youtube, Udemy and other free resources)

These resources are very valuable, but they're not replacements for job training and mentoring. Becoming a skillful craftsman is much more than watching videos and following tutorials.

Guides, tutorials, and documentation are a good way to augment your education. Its the difference between building an Ikea shelf by following a manual. Having a manual does not make one a carpenter.

Programming requires skills in abstract thinking, logic, computer literacy and problem solving. We also believe it's important that skill training be done alongside other programmers who can provide feedback and comradery, as well as versatile models of professional, skillful programming. ^Back

Will I be good enough to get a job after training?

Yes. Our Programmer training courses are developed to ensure learners have the foundational skills required to be successful in an entry level role. We further continue your training while you work (OJT) and provide 1-on-1 mentoring throughout your first year. Our goal is to make sure you have a successful career. ^Back

What kinds of careers can I get into by learning to program?

Excellent question! ALL THE JOBS.

Programming is used in every profession to varying degrees, of course. For example, if you're just looking to learn or improve your programming skills because you're an analyst, researcher, or educator, then our training will add a powerful tool to your belt to help you be more effective at work.

If you're nerdy about computers -- and let's be real, that's why you're reading this -- then sky is the limit: artificial intelligence, cyber-security, web development, game development ...there are countless professions in the field of technology for you to pursue. All of our training courses provide the groundwork for you to launch your career into any field you choose. ^Back

What's new in the Apprentice Program?

We no longer partner with companies directly to develop apprenticeships. The tech landscape is evolving and so are we. While we continue to work with them and to connect apprentices to professional opportunities, we want develop a better way that gives more power and incentive to the apprentice. Stay tuned.

We still do our part to support your success by leveraging our community and professional network. Our apprentices continue to prosper and maintain professional positions and developing the skills to improve their careers.

Will I get a job after training?

We'd love to be in a position to promise you a job, but the truth is that there's no one who can promise that except those who are hiring. When we're looking for an apprentices to join our in-house team, it's our apprentices to who get the call. This is why you won't find us hiring for junior developers -- we already have them.

With our mentoring and support, our apprentices have no problem finding career success.

We encourage our apprentices, always, to beat your own path. We don't live in a world where you can rely on career positions at large companies. With a commitment to learning the craft, we focus on removing as many barriers as we can for you and ensuring you have the skills to succeed. ^Back

Can I get a refund if the training doesn't work?

Yes. If you're not skilled enough to reach your training goals by the end of the full-time training program, we will honor your refund request.1

We deliver value. Your training is developed with concrete goals to help you measure your skills and improvement -- your progress is always visible and tangible. We confidently stand by the quality of our training because we've seen the success of our apprentices. ^Back

How does on the job training (OJT) work?

A member can request OJT or enroll in apprentice training. OJT is great for working developers, since you can continue to improve and acquire new skills while you work.

Members can also continue improving their skills through monthly workshops and weekly mentoring throughout the year. All of this training combines to deliver a stable and steady ecosystem of support for continuous professional development. ^Back

What's training like?

First, we strongly encourage you to come to one of our info sessions where you can get all the details about our training programs while having someone there to answer your questions!

Our workshops are friendly and welcoming of all people of all skill levels. We strive to offer a clean, cozy and safe space to code. Sitting at a keyboard for long periods of time requires a certain level of pampering.

Training is delivered in a variety of ways. You'll often sit/stand at a keyboard, sure. But it's important to get hands-on and exercise your ability to solve problems using the space around you. Games, puzzles, and art are used throughout training to deliver impactful learning that's interesting to you and that really sticks. We further augment that with Maker workshops -- mechanical tinker sessions with hardware -- to bring you closer and ground your understanding of computers while providing a holistic view of what it means to create software.

All training has a keen focus on core programmer skills: problem-solving, abstract thinking and logical thinking. Sessions are robust: each delivers new knowledge and deepens insights that can be put to use immediately. That builds confidence in what you're doing. You feel like a stronger programmer because at the end of your training you are. Our members perform better on the job because they're better at the job.

Training is Monday-Thursday and each day is 3-6 hours long (part-time vs. full-time). Fridays are yours to explore your new found skills independently. While most training is in-person, we mix in virtual training sessions as well. For a full-time example, some weeks may be in person 2 days and virtual 2 days. The final 2-weeks of most training courses focuses on a final project, where you're allowed to set your own schedule.

We're proud to support you on your career journey. ^Back

How does part-time training work?

The part-time program was developed with working adults in mind. That includes people who have rigid schedules, such as for work, family or healthcare reasons. So it's primary goal is maximum flexibility.

Part-time members attend training 2 days per week -- any 2 days they want. Each session is 3 hours or more. Payment is on a monthly basis until they've reached their training goals. The 10-week program provides a good introduction to programming and you can continue your training to the next level at your own pace. ^Back

1 Refunds are at our discretion and subject to a dropout fee.